Power of Gratitude

Your mind is like a magnet. If you think of blessings, you will attract blessings. If you think of problems, you will attract problems.

Begin and end your day with gratitude and you will find yourself living from a place of abundance rather than lack.

Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more!

This is so important!

Let’s teach our children about the power of gratitude while they are young and create a ripple effect of gratitude throughout our little people of the world.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could train our children’s mini magical minds to focus on the good and what they want, not what they don’t want?

You can’t be sad and grateful at the same time, so let’s practice being grateful.

Let your child find or choose a Magic Rock.

One that fits perfectly into their hand, and if they want they can decorate it.

This Magic Rock will remind them to be grateful.

From the moment they open their eyes in the morning and see their Magic Rock, they say “thank you, thank you, thank you”, how wonderful it is to be alive!

“Thank you” for a comfy bed

“Thank you” for a loving family

“Thank you” for the food I eat

“Thank you” for the clothes I wear

“Thank you” for my friends

All through the day their Magic Rock reminds them to look around and be grateful.

Savour each moment as you focus on each activity.

There is always something to be grateful for!

At the end of each day, they hold their Magic Rock and choose one thing from the events of that day that they are truly grateful for. I have my own Magic Rock and it really is magic, I choose to be happy as Iook for things to be grateful for (remember you can’t be sad and grateful at the same time).

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