
We all want a magical and perfect Christmas. Unfortunately not every moment is going to be perfect though, and that’s ok! Remember to be present and accept every moment. Accept all that is happening within and around you. Accept your child, just as they are, in this moment. Accept the way things are, not how … Read more

Children will become who you say they are

Say they are smart… they will believe they are smart.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Say they are forgetful… they will forget. ⁣⁣ Say they are mean… they will be rude to you, their siblings, and friends. ⁣⁣ Say they are kind… they will ask the child who feels left out to come and play, look to help and … Read more

I am Affirmations

‘I AM’ Two of the most powerful words; For what you put after them shapes your reality. Affirmations are used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts by wiring mini magical minds in a happy direction. You can positively transform thoughts, emotions, behaviours and beliefs through positive affirmations. Let’s break the cycle! Change the conversation children … Read more

Power of Gratitude

Your mind is like a magnet. If you think of blessings, you will attract blessings. If you think of problems, you will attract problems. Begin and end your day with gratitude and you will find yourself living from a place of abundance rather than lack. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will … Read more

The many benefits of Smiling

Did you know that smiling has many benefits? Every time we smile we send positive signals to our brain. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonins into the blood, which triggers positivity. Smiling at others makes us feel closer and more convincing, so our self-esteem rises to combat insecurity, shyness and fear of ridicule. Smiling shows to … Read more

Benefits of Reading

Mini Magical Minds believes that sharing a physical book and reading to children is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Giving a child your time and full attention tells them they matter and builds a connection. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and can even improve their sleeping patterns. Families who create time … Read more

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